Perseids 2009
Observer: Vagelis Tsamis
Site: Mt Parnon, Arnomousga.
LAT: 37o 15.6526' North
LON: 22o 35.0911 East
UFO Capture v2.18 + Watec 902 H2 Ultimate + Computar 3.5mm f/1.0 lens
Brightness class:
(f) fainter or comparable to the brightest stars in the field (exc. Vega)
(b) brighter than the brightest stars in the field (exc. Vega)
(vb)saturated the detector and/or left an obvious trail
[exb] extremely bright object
[ ] Perseid
[JPE] Pegasid
[NDA] Northern Delta Aquarid
[SPOR] Sporadic
Time acc: GPS++ GPS Video Time Inserter
Approx. pointing WNW, 45 deg alt.
22:03:18 vb JPE
22:11:52 b
22:23:00 f
22:26:32 f
22:50:46 vb
22:54:44 b
22:57:15 vb
22:57:43 b
23:09:12 vb
23:10:13 b
23:18:28 b
23:23:48 exb
23:36:30 b
00:16:37 b
00:19:34 b
00:27:54 b
00:30:45 f NDA?
00:45:58 b
00:46:00 b JPE?
00:49:56 b
01:01:30 f
01:02:09 b
01:04:16 b
01:47:45 b
01:49:23 b JPE?
01:57:14 exb
02:00:46 vb
02:20:12 f
daylight - end of observation
Aug 11/12
Time acc: DCF-77 Radio Clock: +/- 0.5 sec
Approx. pointing NW, 50 deg alt.
21:36:02 vb
22:18:31 b
22:31:44 vb SPOR
22:34:20 vb
22:35:08 vb
22:41:08 f
22:43:27 b
23:01:35 b
23:12:45 b
23:35:42 b
23:47:59 vb
23:55:36 vb
00:00:00 - 02:15:00 pending digitization of video recording (miniDV)
02:17:22 exb
daylight - end of observation
Aug 12/13
Time acc: GPS++ GPS Video Time Inserter
Approx. pointing NW, 50 deg alt.
22:57:49 b
23:10:45 b
23:16:52 vb
23:17:53 b
23:35:55 b
23:36:16 b
23:37:02 b
23:38:15 vb
23:40:52 b
23:46:47 b
23:52:07 b
23:56:48 f
00:02:18 f
00:18:07 f
00:27:49 b
00:30:55 vb
00:36:30 vb
00:40:39 vb
00:47:43 f
01:03:50 f
01:10:19 f
01:11:57 b
01:14:46 b
01:25:24 vb
01:32:25 b
01:34:16 b
01:38:49 vb
01:40:04 b
01:42:32 f
01:46:30 f
01:51:16 b
01:52:07 f
01:52:49 vb
01:55:15 f
02:02:02 b
02:07:12 b
02:08:16 f
02:08:28 b
02:08:46 f
02:10:43 b
02:11:45 vb
02:13:04: b
02:13:25 f
02:17:53 f JPE?
02:23:41 b
02:25:31 b
02:26:20 vb
02:29:30 vb
02:34:42 b
02:41:39 b
daylight - end of observation
started dry, humid later
Time acc: GPS++ GPS Video Time Inserter
Approx. pointing NW, 50 deg alt.
20:34:47 b
22:00:39 vb
22:48:18 b
23:06:58 b
23:11:16 f
23:29:27 b
23:31:05 f
23:39:22 f
23:48:32 b
23:52:17 b
23:59:57 f
00:02:43 b
00:07:32 f
00:31:26 b
00:33:13 b JPE
00:34:24 f
01:07:39 b
01:18:00 f
01:40:08 f
01:48:45 f
01:49:56 f
01:54:38 b
01:58:33 b
01:59:54 f
02:06:42 b
02:10:43 b
02:13:37 b NDA
02:13:59 b
02:17:08 f
02:25:17 b
02:29:16 f
02:30:52 f JPE
02:34:43 f SPOR
02:41:14 f
02:46:48 b
02:47:04 b
02:48:11 b
02:49:35 b JPE?
Vagelis Tsamis